Wood County, Wisconsin

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Wood County Community Surveys

Community Surveys

Nowhere is the commitment to resident involvement more important than in local issues concerning comprehensive planning. Community surveys are one means of ensuring everyone has a voice in the planning process. Survey results provide direction and assure that community plans truly reflect community needs and input from the public. Below are links to several community survey summaries:

Wood County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

Survey and Interactive Map Now Open!

Wood County is seeking your input to assist with improving walking and biking opportunities throughout the County. A survey and interactive mapping exercise is now open. The survey is tailored to gather community perspectives, opinions and concerns related to bicycle and pedestrian transportation; resident values and attitudes towards future improvements; bicycle and pedestrian preferences and experiences; and much more. Use the interactive map to identify important routes, propose new routes, locate areas of concern, and show us destinations which you like to walk or bike to.

Use the link or QR Code below to take the survey and complete the interactive mapping exercisebefore October 1, 2021 and give your input!


Your input will be used to update the Wood County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. This plan is intended to guide the development of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, recommendations, and policy that will create a safe and accessible network across Wood County’s various communities. The County is partnering with the North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (NCWRPC) on this planning effort.

Thank you in advance for supporting community planning efforts in Wood County by completing this survey.